Advice for Project Managers, Blog, Project Management
Have you ever diligently worked toward a change or something new for months and thought to yourself, ‘I am killing it’? You’ve tested, you’ve trained, and you’ve clearly communicated. Overall, you’ve checked all the boxes. Right before...
Advice for Project Managers, Blog
It’s one thing to hear people spout off statistics; it’s another thing to live the reality of the statistics. I’ve heard people share many times about the cost of acquisition of a new customer, but I don’t think I truly understood what they were...
Advice for Project Managers, Blog, Project Consulting, Project Management
In March 2022, at the top of the pandemic, I had been in business for almost 3 years. From August 2017 – June 2020, I was a solopreneur and I loved what I was doing. When I left corporate America I thought, “I’ll find gigs doing what I enjoyed the most over the...
Advice for Project Managers, Blog, Coaching, Project Consulting, Project Management, Time Management, Training, Work Life Balance
I have been learning and practicing Lean and Six Sigma for the past 18 years, and it’s been an awesome journey. This journey has allowed me to learn and think about work and processes from a customer’s perspective. I studied engineering as an undergrad and...
Advice for Project Managers, Blog, Coaching, Project Consulting, Project Management, Time Management, Training, Work Life Balance
I am not smart enough to tell different versions of a story to different people and keep them straight, and neither or you. You might think you are, but people notice. I hate when I realize that someone is giving me a new and different version of something...
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