Have you ever had to do a Microsoft Excel VLookUp Table? Whenever I have to create a VLookUp Table, it takes me a moment to shift my mindset to get it done. It’s not always an easy task for someone like me that first saw personal computers in college. When I finish, I feel like I deserve a prize or, at the very least, the little piece of cake I’ve been eyeing in the pantry all week.
Like VLookUp Tables, there are several things that I don’t think I was designed to do, such as decorate living spaces, design buildings, or develop databases. I’m not a natural at these tasks, and I don’t know that I will ever be proficient at them. With all of these concepts, I’m working on the edges of my natural limitations, BUT I could definitely benefit from getting out of my comfort zone and trying them. I don’t intend to take up architecture and design buildings, but if one day I decided I wanted to channel my inner Antoni Gaudí, I should consider taking a Saturday class. Step outside of your comfort zone. Below are a few reasons I believe training opportunities are beneficial.
Getting Out Of Our Comfort Zones
As professionals, we should consider being life-long learners. Our commitment to learning is an opportunity for us to remain innovative and competitive in an ever-changing work environment. Therefore, always be open and ready for change. For instance, I can enjoy a training experience on any of the concepts I mentioned earlier–decorating living spaces, designing buildings, or creating VLookups. It is an opportunity for me to learn the language of the tool or process.
Training in a space outside of my comfort zone takes me from being a novice to knowledgeable. It allows me to have intelligent conversations on a topic and draw parallels and connections between the coursework and other subjects. You may not use this acquired knowledge every day, but now it’s yours to use and apply whenever necessary. Training is also a way to bridge the sometimes daunting gap between being completely foreign to a topic and becoming a novice or intermediate in a subject.
Training Can be an Intro
Have you ever wanted to develop a new skill but just did not know how to begin? Training can be the start of building that bridge to your new skill. It can help give you an overview of the topic and give you an idea of specific aspects of what you are great at and what may need some improvement.
Remember: the goal of training is not always to become an expert. Instead, it is the opportunity to build an understanding of a concept or skill. It is much easier to become proficient in a subject from there than from scratch.
An Opportunity to Practice And Become Proficient
When you undergo training, you and your associates are automatically at an advantage. Once you have begun to learn a new skill or concept, you can practice your capabilities. With all skills learned, there will always be room for improvement and then, proficiency.
When you or your associates become proficient in a specific skill, it enhances your professional capabilities. Undergoing training will support your team in always improving their skills while also enhancing their professional value.
As the workplace constantly shifts–from in-person to remote to hybrid–it is important to constantly learn new skills via training opportunities and continuously grow.
Holloway Consulting Group is an Atlanta-based firm helping corporate technology teams all over the world set goals, create plans, and solve complex problems. We aim to service organizations through our training, coaching, and project management programs. Visit our website to schedule a call with our team today!